Am I Pregnant or Paranoid?
Are you having signs and symptoms of early pregnancy, or is it something else? It’s a very common worry for every sexually active woman. Sometimes it’s triggered by an unusual period. Sometime’s it’s because of a birth control problem like a broken condom or missing a birth control pill. Sometimes it’s a surprise weight gain, or being extra tired. Sometimes it’s just a thought that pops up in the middle of the night — what if I’m pregnant?
Whether you’re excited or overwhelmed by that idea, it’s important to find out for sure. How you feel in early pregnancy might not be that different from how you feel on an ordinary day, or when you’re having PMS. But here’s a place to start.
Did You Miss a Period?
There are many signs and symptoms of early pregnancy. The most frequent red flag is really the lack of a “red flag” (if you’ll pardon the pun) — missing a period.
Normal menstrual cycles can range from about 21 to 35 days. Twenty-eight days is average. If you haven’t had a period in the last month, taking a pregnancy test is the smart thing to do.
Several brands of home pregnancy tests claim that they can give an accurate result even before your period is due. The operative word there is “can.” Sometimes. The earlier you test, the less likely it is to be correct. And sometimes the test result might be unclear or hard to read.
Whether you had an early positive test at home, if it’s not clear, or if your period is late, it’s a good idea to get medical confirmation one way or the other. (And if your pregnancy is unplanned, you’ll want to get an ultrasound before you make any decisions — here’s why.)
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
If your periods are irregular or if you don’t track them, you might rely on other symptoms. Here are some of the most common:
- I’m often queasy or throwing up.
- My breasts are sore, swollen, or itchy.
- My nipples are darker or look larger.
- I need to pee — All.The.Time.
- I’m so tired all of a sudden.
- My moods are all over the place.
- I have cramps and spotting, but it’s not like a normal period.
- I feel dizzy or faint — or I have fainted for no reason.
- I can’t stand foods I normally like — or I crave foods I never liked before.
- Smells seem super-intense.
The Most Accurate Pregnancy Test
Everybody is different, and every pregnancy is different. You may have some, all, or none of these symptoms yet. That’s why the most accurate pregnancy test isn’t an online quiz. If you’re concerned about whether you’re pregnant, don’t stay home and stress. An accurate, reliable medical-grade pregnancy test can give you some peace of mind.
The pregnancy tests we use in our clinic are are more accurate than anything you can buy over the counter or online. You can talk to a nurse and a peer counselor about all your symptoms and get personalized advice for your situation. And our tests are 100% free.
You can schedule an appointment online, or by calling 205-979-0302. We also take walk-ins every day, up to a half-hour before closing. Our regular hours are:
Monday 9-4
Tuesday 9-7
Wednesday 9-4
Thursday 9-7
Friday 9-2.
All of our services are confidential, and always free. Get in touch – we’re here to help!
#NoJudgment, Just #Love!