Could I Be Pregnant and Not Know It?

woman curious if she is pregnant and may not know it

Yes, it’s possible to be pregnant and not know it. While pregnancy causes noticeable symptoms in some women, other women might not experience any symptoms besides a missed period (and even this can be complicated due to implantation bleeding, which can be mistaken for a period). Read on to learn more about symptoms that might

I’m Afraid of How My Partner Will React to My Unplanned Pregnancy

man thinking about unplanned pregnancy

Discovering you are unexpectedly pregnant can be an overwhelming experience, and being worried about how your partner will react to the news is likely only adding to your stress right now. First and foremost, if you’re worried that your partner will become violent when he finds out about your pregnancy, it’s essential to seek help

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy while still in high school can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed. No matter what you’re thinking or feeling, it’s valid and understandable. However, it’s important to know that with the right information and support, you can navigate this challenging time feeling empowered and confident. This article will highlight the essentials

I’m Pregnant and My Partner Is Abusive

pregnant woman with abusive partner

If you’re pregnant and your partner is abusive, it’s essential to understand that your safety is the number one priority. If you are in immediate danger, contact the National Domestic Violence hotline or 911 for rapid help. This article will highlight steps you can take to navigate pregnancy with an abusive partner. However, if you

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in College?

woman pregnant in college

Finding out you’re pregnant while still in college can feel overwhelming. On top of worrying about homework and grades, you’re also likely feeling nauseous, emotional, and wondering what to do next—this is all understandable. But you don’t have to juggle all this alone. As a pregnant student, you have federally protected rights that are in

How Will Pregnancy Affect Me Mentally?

woman curious how pregnancy will affect her mentally

Pregnancy causes many changes in your body. If you’re in your first trimester, you could feel fatigued and nauseous and have more frequent urges to urinate. Many of your pregnancy symptoms happen as a result of the hormonal whirlwind that’s occurring in your body right now. But did you know these hormonal changes can affect

My Birth Control Failed: What Do I Do?

failed birth control

If your birth control recently failed, you’re likely feeling panicked and stressed by the thought that you might be pregnant. This is understandable, but there are steps you can take to gain some clarity right now. This article will explore the top questions that are likely going through your mind and offer practical tips for

What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?

pregnant woman curious about her pregnancy options

If you’re in your second trimester of pregnancy (weeks 13-27), your pregnancy options include parenting, adoption, or surgical abortion. However, since abortion is illegal in Alabama, you would need to travel out of state to seek an abortion.  As you think through your pregnancy options, it’s important to learn all the facts before deciding. This

What Can Guys Do with an Unplanned Pregnancy?

man thinking about unplanned pregnancy

If your partner recently told you she’s pregnant, the most essential thing you can do is support her. You are both likely feeling overwhelmed with questions, but the best way to move forward is together.  No matter how you feel about the pregnancy, there are steps you can take to help your partner feel supported

How to Tell Your Boyfriend and Family You Are Pregnant?

A woman looking at her boyfriend, sharing the news that she is pregnant

Finding out you’re pregnant can feel overwhelming, especially as you think about telling your boyfriend and family. However, some strategies you take will make telling them the news easier. However, the first step is to take a deep breath. Things seem overwhelming right now, but once you get the news about your pregnancy out in