Facing an unplanned pregnancy while still in high school can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed. No matter what you’re thinking or feeling, it’s valid and understandable.

However, it’s important to know that with the right information and support, you can navigate this challenging time feeling empowered and confident.

This article will highlight the essentials you need to know about facing a pregnancy while in high school. (Looking for in-person support? Contact Alabama Pregnancy Test Center today to schedule a free, confidential appointment.)

1. Confirm the Pregnancy

Did you receive a positive pregnancy test result on an at-home test? Did you know this isn’t enough to confirm your pregnancy? You also need a follow-up ultrasound. This simple scan will give you the essential information you need to know about your pregnancy and verify that there are signs of life (like a heartbeat).

At Alabama Pregnancy Test Center, we offer free, limited ultrasounds because we believe you deserve to have all the information you need to make a safe, informed decision.

2. Understand Your Options

Your options include parenting, adoption, and abortion—and even though you’re still in high school, your pregnancy decision is yours alone to make; no one else can coerce you to make a pregnancy decision you’re not comfortable with.

Take the time to research and understand each option. It can also be helpful to speak with a counselor or a healthcare provider to discuss the implications.

3. Know Your Rights

First and foremost, it’s important to know that you have protected rights as a student who’s pregnant according to Title IX. This federal civil rights law entitles you to accommodations to help you succeed in your academic career, including:

  • Excused absences and the ability to return to school in the same academic standing
  • Reasonable adjustments, like a larger desk, elevator access, etc.
  • Protection from harassment

This list isn’t exhaustive, which is why it’s vital to speak to your school’s guidance counselor to learn more.

We’re Here for You

We understand that facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming like your world has been turned upside down. But you’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.

Whether you’re looking for free support services or a safe place to talk, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to learn about all the ways we’re here to help.