What is the Difference Between Plan B and The Abortion Pill?

young woman taking a pill

If you think you might be facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be asking yourself this common question: what is the difference between Plan B and the abortion pill? There are a few important differences between Plan B and the Abortion Pill that you need to understand when it comes to these medications and we’re

How An Adoption Plan Can Prevent Long-Term Depression From Abortion

This woman wants to know more about Roe v. Wade separating fact from fiction.

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy? Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy presents a big decision. There are so many issues and people to consider when deciding whether to choose abortion, adoption or to parent. Where do you even begin? Looking at your three options: abortion, adoption, and parenting, it’s hard to know what to do.

3 Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online

In today’s fast-paced world, our lives are marked by convenience. We can order just about everything online and have it on our doorstep in a matter of days or even hours. Online shopping and delivery has become a habit for most people. When it comes to medications as serious as the abortion pill, however, it’s

What Is The Abortion Pill?

Here is a woman wondering about the abortion pill

No one is ready for the emotions that come with an unplanned pregnancy. The news can feel overwhelming, scary, and even confusing when it comes to next steps. You are not in this alone. Know the facts about the abortion pill before moving forward with your pregnancy decision. There are serious risks and side effects

3 Tips to Help Cope After Abortion

Are you feeling regret, shame, loneliness or even relief after having an abortion? Emotional side effects are not uncommon for women who have chosen abortion. A recent study revealed that women who have had an abortion are 81 percent more likely to experience mental health struggles. You are not alone. Coping after abortion is difficult

How can an Ultrasound Help My Pregnancy Decision?

Did you just find out you’re pregnant? Are you struggling to decide what to do next? Pause and take a deep breath. You can do this. Certain circumstances in your life might feel overwhelming. You might be wondering what to do next.  An ultrasound is one of the best first steps you can take to

What Are the Risks of the Abortion Pill?

Woman considering the Abortion Pill

Chances are, if you are considering abortion, you have heard about the abortion pill. Although it may sound simple, there is a lot of information you need before making this decision. Abortion, any abortion, is a serious medical procedure. You owe it to yourself to get the facts. What Is The Abortion Pill? Although “abortion

Both Locations Now Taking Appointments!

Great News! Our Vestavia and Fultondale centers are now open for all services by appointment. Here’s what you need to know to plan your visit.

For Teens: 7 Myths & Facts about Sex

Teens Holding hands | 7 Myths & Facts about Sex

YOUR DECISIONS = YOUR DESTINY May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, and here at the PTC, we support this effort as part of our mission to help you have the best health and the best outcomes in your life.  If you’re between the ages of 15 and 25, this is the decade of your

Abortion Information Checklist

Abortion Information Checklist

Choosing an abortion is a significant decision. Just like any medical procedure, you need accurate, complete information. A lot of women say they didn’t feel like they had all the facts before choosing an abortion procedure. That can cause regrets and bad experiences. If you need detailed information, we’re happy to help. We can answer